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What you need to know if you’re still using Windows 7 or Office 2010

Take action now, rather than running unsupported software that leaves your organisation vulnerable to security risks and viruses
What you need to know if you’re still using Windows 7 or Office 2010

What you need to know if you’re still using Windows 7 or Office 2010

2010 was a fairly notable year in New Zealand: there was the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Canterbury, and it was also the year of the Pike River coalmine disaster. All in all, not a wonderful year, to say the least.


And it seems like Microsoft wants us to put 2010 behind us too, for they’ve announced that support for Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7 is coming to an end too. As soon as next year, in fact.


Here’s a summary of what’s happening:


Windows 7 support ends on 4 January 2020


Just like when Windows XP support came to an end, although you can continue to use Windows 7 after this date, the technical assistance and automatic updates that protect your PCs will no longer be available.


This means not just your Windows 7 PCs, but your entire network will be significantly more at risk of security risks and viruses.


The solution: Ensure that any machines running Windows 7 upgrade to Windows 10 before this date. (And if you’ve resisted Windows 10 because it’s so different, remember we can provide you and your team with a customised training package.)


Most NZ businesses shut down, or only have core staff working at that time of year, so we recommend you action this upgrade sooner rather than later. You don’t want to get back to work to find out that a hacker has compromised the entire network because someone left their Windows 7 computer switched on over Christmas!


Office 2010 support ends on 13 October 2020


Again, you can continue to use Office 2010 after the above date, but your PCs won’t receive any new features, software updates, or security fixes. This leaves your network extremely vulnerable to security risks and viruses. Plus Office now has so many awesome new features, you’re probably lagging behind your competitors by not using the best-in-class apps that aid team productivity. (Seriously, there are some really awesome new tools available now in Office 365.)


The solution: Office 365 packages are customised based on the size of your business and the features that you need. Contact us to get a free, no-obligation quote from us here at Optimus Systems to find out what’s best for you.


What’s the next step?


Although these obsolescence dates might seem like ages away, we bet that time will fly it will be upon us before we know it. So it makes sense to take action now, rather than running unsupported software that leaves your organisation vulnerable to security risks and viruses.


Talk to the user-friendly team here at Optimus Systems (0800 359 933), and we can tailor-make a solution that’ll work for your business. If you plan for it now, you’ll know exactly how much to put in your IT budgets and forecasts for when all this happens next year.


Best of all, we are one of only a few IT companies in New Zealand that are Microsoft Silver Accredited in Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions, so we have in-depth knowledge and expertise on all things Microsoft. We can recommend a migration plan for you, and if your team needs it, our Microsoft Certified support staff can provide training on any of the slick new features you’ll find in the latest Microsoft software.


You’ll be amazed at how much has changed since 2010 – and for the best!

Marek Drummond
Marek Drummond

Marek is an enthusiastic entrepreneur that runs Optimus Systems. He drives success from the view of his customers, ensuring they get the best. As well as being an enthusiastic entrepreneur Marek's true passion is to help businesses thrive through the utilisation of technology. Marek keeps his finger on the technology pulse, continually researching the latest technologies and solutions from around the globe. He has a genuine interest in delivering the best results for our customers and ensures that this passion is echoed throughout the company.

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