Optimus Systems

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SSL VPN Setup Instructions

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This article describes the steps to connect to install and access an SSL VPN remote access session.

Accessing the User Portal

  1. From a browser, logon to the user portal using your Sophos Firewall’s public IP address and the user portal https port. In this example, user portal is accessible at https://yourIP:4443

    Note: If you don’t know your username and password, or the IP address please contact our friendly helpdesk team.
  2. Once logged into the portal, download the  appropriate SSL VPN client for the required endpoint accordingly.

Installing the SSL VPN Client on Windows

  1. Click on SSL VPN and then click on Download Client and Configuration for Windows to start downloading the installer.
  2. Once it is downloaded, double-click on the file to launch the installer:
  3. When the installer opens, click Next

  4. Click I Agree

  5. Click Install

  6. Click Next
  7. Click Finish to complete the installation
  8. Once installed, start the VPN authentication by clicking on the traffic light symbol in the task bar.
  9. Log in using the same credentials for the user portal.
  10. The traffic light will change from red (disconnected) to red and amber (negotiating/connecting). As soon as the traffic light changes to green, a pop up message appers confirming the SSL VPN connection is established.

Installing the SSL VPN Client on OSX

  1. First, download the latest version of TunnelBlick for MAC. Tunnelblick is a free, open source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X
  2. Put the file in the Applications folder and Install the file Tunnelblick.*.*.dmg file.
  3. Click on SSL VPN and then click on Download Configuration for Other OSs to start downloading the ZIP file.
  4. Double click the file with an extension of “.ovpn” and it will open with TunnelBlick.
  5. Click Connect, and login using the same credentials for the user portal. You will see “Connected” at the top of the screen
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